Patterns patternssss
At college I have been given my part 2 assignment brief. It is all about patterns and I hate patterns, but this hasn’t stopped me from trying. I don’t feel that I think as creatively with patterns as it is just the same thing being printed over and over again. I have a very high work ethic and if ever i’m feeling that I am not doing my best, it does get to me. Although patterns really aren’t my thing I am starting to get into the swing of things and hopefully my sketchbook will look a lot better than it does now by the end of the assignment. In the image above is a quarter of my final piece for my wrapping paper... this has currently taken me 5 hours but that is because I need to get it right. I had firstly scaled up my drawing by using a grid, I did start off thinking about using a template but as I have practiced it would have worked well. Therefore I have used the grid method. This gave me an idea of what size the cabbage shapes should be, they won’t be exactly the same but there will be a sense of repeat. After I had done this I used a pencil to fill in the details of the cabbage figure. As my wrapping paper design would be sold in Liberty Of London I needed to focus on more about filling the page as that is what their brand is all about. Therefore I have then used a wash over purple watercolour over the whole spread so then I was able to paint a darker colour for the cabbage lines with watercolour and also fine liner. Then when all of the lines have covered the cabbaged there will be a second layer of enlarged cabbages which will then piece together to make the pattern full and exciting.
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