In my previous school I took a trip to New York for the subject of Textiles. It was insane. The scenes were obviously amazing and I went on a tour all around the garment district it was so interesting. It was at the end of the trip so my feet were killing me but I  and my group still all walked all around the garment district of New York. I didn’t realise how big it was, I thought it would be a small enclosed area but no it’s all around. We went to where Project Runway is filmed and I did have a proper fan girl moment. Aswell as going to many fabric shops and buying fabrics there. Our tour guide was in fact a fashion designer who has worked with many different brands. When I was speaking with her she was currently working for Tommy Hilfiger. I asked her so many questions ask aim in life is to become a fashion designer so it was interesting to hear about her journey to becoming one.
