Fashion Illustration

On Tuesday I was introduced to fashion illustration. It was not what I imagined it to be like. First of all we had to make a head design it would not be a circular head design so I  had to be creative and think of shapes which could be identified as being a head if it was looked at in a different light. I then designed a body, I could not have hands feet or arms I could use the idea of where they would be poisoned but not the actual features itself therefore I used line for the arms then placed triangles and feet and arms. In the image above was my model with a garment on. It was inspired by roses I used my no looking line drawing and took shapes from there and placed it on the model to see what it would come out like. Overall I think I am really going to enjoy fashion illustration, gibing the fact I had never done it before I think I got the hand of it very fast and I am currently enjoying making new designs and using different materials to see how I can make new garments on my model.
