Pre-Raphadite Brotherhood

Pre-Raphadite Brotherhood

Roy Lichtenstein is a pop artist that triles to achieve widespread renown.  He started his pop art style in 1961.

The media he uses is screen printing as it gives a clear picture of the pop art style.  Pop artists use need and straight lines with block colours.

Lichtenstein mainly works with primary colours alongside black to convey boldness.  The image i am looking at is called ‘six still lives’ it is 970 x 724mm and is now in a collection at the Tate.  He based this image on the theme of still life by exploring traditional composition and subject matter.  I really like this piece as Lichtenstein has laid out the colours in blocks, the from blue to yellow and finally red.  I find this very interesting because the blue is more lines and the yellow and red are in bulks.

Paul Cezanne

Cezanne created a piece called ‘dish of apples’ by using oil on canvas.  Personally, I don’t like the tonal textures used but the brightness of the apples almost balances it out.

Cezanne was a French artist post impressionist painter.  He uses planes of colour and small brushstrokes that build up to form complex fields.

Overall the two artists work are highly different.  Cezanne uses tones of different colour along with overlapping shades.  Whereas, Lichtenstein uses a limited colour range, no shading and also a blank background.  Cezanne fills the page with colour and expression.  Although, Lichtenstein doesn’t make the page look full because of the white background, the lines he uses do fill the page.
